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Category: Biosynthesis of peptidoglycan
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Category: Biosynthesis of peptidoglycan


1. Cellular processes

1.1. Cell envelope and cell division

1.1.1. Cell wall synthesis Biosynthesis of peptidoglycan

alrpeptidoglycan biosynthesis
amjexport of lipid II
asdbiosynthesis of threonine, lysine, dipicolic acid, peptidoglycan
dapAbiosynthesis of lysine and peptidoglycan
dapBbiosynthesis of lysine and peptidoglycan
dapFbiosynthesis of lysine and peptidoglycan
dapGbiosynthesis of lysine and peptidoglycan
datpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
ddlpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
gcaDcell wall metabolism
glmMcell wall synthesis
glmRregulation of carbon partitioning between central metabolism and peptidoglycan biosynthesis, localization of [protein|A8EEC896B279CFDDE9C3A6F146A04EC822E33A4F|PBP1]
glmScell wall synthesis
ldcBcell wall synthesis
ldtcell wall biosynthesis
mraYpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
murAApeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
murABpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
murBpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
murCpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
murDpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
murEpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
murFpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
murGpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
murJexport of lipid II
patAbiosynthesis of lysine and peptidoglycan
pgcAinterconversion of glucose 6-phosphate and alpha-glucose 1-phosphate
racEpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis
spoVBspore cortex peptidoglycan synthesis
spoVEspore cortex peptidoglycan synthesis
walJcoordination of cell division with DNA replication
yabMalternate pathway for peptidoglycan strand synthesis
ykuQbiosynthesis of lysine and peptidoglycan
ykuRbiosynthesis of lysine and peptidoglycan
ylmDquality control to maintain composition and integrity of peptidoglycan
yrpCpeptidoglycan precursor biosynthesis

important publications

  • 28975672,29456081,32424210